2011 Racing Schedule

03/12/11 - Wildman Triathlon Festival
04/09/11 - Savannah Sprint Triathlon
04/23/11 - Langley Pond Sprint Triathlon
05/14/11 - Peachtree City Sprint/Olympic Triathlon
05/28/11 - McMinneville Sprint Triathlon

06/2011 - Move to Philly
07/2011 - Adjust to Philly

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Daddy day!

I am currently in my ER rotation. Shift work is one of the best things about ER. I only have to go to work every other day. Kelsey quickly jumped on this and flew the coop :) We have instituted Daddy Day, where I stay home with Houston and she works all day. Here's a pic of H sleeping while I type.

Daddy Day begins the same way. Kelsey brings Houston from his crib to our bed, and we wake up the same way. We stretch, rub our eyes, then smile. Then Kelsey asks him, "Houston, is it gonna be a good day?"(She asks that every day) But today, I answered, "You bet! Are you ready for Daddy Day?" Then Kelsey leaves and I am all alone. Thje first time she left, it felt like my first night in the hospital, when the nurse turned to me and asked, "Dr., what do we do?"I hesitated and she responded, "You're a doctor, act like one." So I told her to get me some coffee and saved the patient's life :)  But seriously, the isolation of sole responsibility is similarly daunting. Though Houston smells much better than my drunks.

After a few full days alone with Houston, I love it. But it also amazes me how cyclical his life is:

Sleep - Wake - Play - Eat - Sleep - Wake - Play - Eat

I have also realized how hard it is to accomplish items on your own list while at home. The only real break is while he sleeps. And during that time, it is so tempting to sleep while he does... Anyway, the plan for the day is to try and revise a few manuscripts and submit them to journals. I also hope to get some cycling in.

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