2011 Racing Schedule

03/12/11 - Wildman Triathlon Festival
04/09/11 - Savannah Sprint Triathlon
04/23/11 - Langley Pond Sprint Triathlon
05/14/11 - Peachtree City Sprint/Olympic Triathlon
05/28/11 - McMinneville Sprint Triathlon

06/2011 - Move to Philly
07/2011 - Adjust to Philly

Friday, March 18, 2011

Maybe this whole baby thing wasn't such a bad idea after all

Let me begin by saying that I love my little guy, Houston. He is wonderful. But he was not at first what I expected. If we go way back, Kelsey told me she was pregnant on the phone (not in person, but on the phone!!!). Had to throw that jab in there. Still bitter. After a few months, we found out that we were having a little boy. I was ecstatic! While a girl would have also been fine, there's something about the father-son relationship. I immediately started thinking of all the things I would teach him: how to fish, how to hunt, how to scale a fish, how to cut grass (very important), how to drive, how to ride a bike (this list may not be in order). I also thought of all the awesome things we'd do. I've always needed an activities buddy. Someone to do Race Across America (http://www.raceacrossamerica.org) or hike the Appalachian Trail or swim the English Channel with me. Kelsey's just not as enthusiastic about these things.

You'd think my pediatrics and OBGYN experience would have better prepared me, but I was somewhat disappointed when Houston arrived. For the first month or so, all he did was lay there, eat, and crap on EVERYTHING!!! He also seemed pleased to pee on me whenever I changed his diaper. But he also peed on Kelsey, so that was worth it.

But I tell you what! For all you first-time dads out there, keep the faith. Sometime around month 3, 4, or 5, things change. Just when you're about fed up with waking up at night, or being peed on, they smile at you. Then they start cooing to you. My attending on peds thought that evolution held off until the last minute, until right before you discard your baby, then bam, the baby charms its way back.

Well, Houston keeps getting awesomer and awesomer each day. Today, we were playing on the floor and he grabbed at his toys!!! That tongue sticking out is a sign of intense focus.

Daily workout:

I'm supposed to ride today and rest tomorrow, but I think I'll flip them. Yay day off!!!

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